A tool is rated by:
- Skill Level
- Utility
- Hazard Level
- Cost
- B = Beginner Modelers. These are usually primary tools like screwdrivers.
- I = Intermediate Modelers. This is a tool that requires some skill like an airbrush.
- A = Advanced Modelers. This is something that takes great skill such as a lathe.
- Mandatory - included in a beginner's toolbox
- Highly Desirable - most every model railroader has one
- Desirable - if you have a layout or build lots of models, you should have one
- Convenient - more specialized; for scratchbuilders, large layouts, scale specific, etc.
- Specialty - only used for very special and limited applications
A. Not hazardous
B. Minimal hazard unless intentionally misued
C. Hazardous if accidently misused and may require common safety equipment
D. Very hazardous - must use caution and safety equipment and/or procedures
E. Extremely hazardous - maybe hazardous even when using extreme caution
Cost of the Tool:
- $ = less than $5.00
- $$ = between $5 and $25
- $$$ = between $25 and $50
- $$$$ = between $50 and $100
- $$$$$ = over $100
Airbrush I3D$$$$
I for Intermediate level modeler
3 for level of usefulness, desirable
D for very hazardous, mostly because of the flammable paints that can be used
$$$$ for a cost of $50 to $100
If you don't agree with a rating that I give a tool, I'm glad to discuss it! I'm always interested in your input and glad to change a rating that doesn't make sense.
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